Considerable resources have been employed in bringing the project to this stage. Proceeds from all SIFD Digital Archive sales contribute a little to this cost and towards ongoing work on the project. We appreciate that items from this archive will be copied for private use within households or for use within groups, for example when making a playlist for a class. However we ask that, outside of this, those interested in this resource make a purchase themselves, which will ensure that they can be notified of the availability of any future updates. We expect to make updates available on a regular basis, at least annually.
If we have included any material that is your or someone else's copyright it is entirely unintended. If you find anything that you think should not be included in this archive, please let us know, with any information you have about the original source, so we can seek permission from the publisher or remove the offending item or items before releasing future updates.
If you have any comments about the the SIFD Digital Archive please contact the SIFD at: ?subject=SIFD Digital Archive "> and mention “SIFD Digital Archive”.