SIFD Summer School - Aberystwyth 1989
- Francis Feybli (Mexico)
- Jan Knoppers (Armenia)
- Karin Belaart (General)
Dances Taught:
- Kocharee
- Ellooyar
- Hoosheek Moosheek
- Tamzara
- Papooree
- Sepastia Bar
- Mom Bar
- Gordoontse Bar
- Las Chiapanecas
- Jurale Tapatio
- Santa Rita
- Jesusita en Chihuahua
- La Bruja
- Sofia Suite (Bulgaria)
- Koftos (Greece)
- Mavromata (Greece)
- Stav Lavan (Israel)
- Chag Li (Israel)
- Skopsko crno Gorka (Yugoslavia)
- Ciganski Orijent (Yugoslavia)
- Vodena
- Starobabska
- Pacholicek (Czech)
- Gade gij mee (Holland)
- Horlepiep (Holland)
- University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
- £192 half-board, £108.65 self-catering
- 87 residents, 6 non-residents
From Saturday 29 July to Saturday 5 August 1989
Every two years the Society for International Folk Dancing hosts a one week
residential course at which participants are taught traditional dances of many nationalities.
This year the course is being held at the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth.
The dances are mainly taught with a view to recreational dancing and as such are
usually quite faithful to their original village settings.
Many can readily be adapted for performance if so desired.
In addition to the tuition, musicians’ workshops, costume displays,
and other good things will take place.
There are no fixed age limits for the course participants,
although the course is best suited to those from mid-teens upwards.
Group Photo:
General Photos: