SIFD Summer School - York 1992


Dances Taught:

Romanian Dances taught by Gavril Ghiur:

Swedish dances taught by Eva and Tommy Englund:

Israeli dances taught by Fiona Howarth:

Dances from Northern Italy taught by Tess Edelmann:




International Folk Dance Summer School - 25th July to 1st August 1992 at the College of Ripon and St John, York

The International Folk Dance Summer School takes place every two years in collaboration with the Society for International Folk Dance.  Participants are mainly teachers and dance enthusiasts from the UK, but others have come in the past from as far away as Japan. The dances are taught as recreational folk dances, and as such are reasonably faithful to their original village settings.  They will be of interest to folk dance enthusiasts as well as anyone who teaches, or has an interest in, national dance.  Three specialist dance teachers will teach dances from the following countries:

The course can be either residential or non-residential.  The mornings will have lessons taken by the three teachers, while the afternoons can be spent in the historic town of York and its surroundings or at extra workshops arranged by interested participants.

Group Photo: