Bulgarian dances taught by Delyan Demirev:
Italian dances taught by Carla Padovani:
South American dances taught by Jan Knoppers:
Japanese dances taught by Kiyoshi Kanazawa:
The International Folk Dance Summer School takes place every two years in collaboration with the Society for International Folk Dance. Participants are mainly teachers and dance enthusiasts from the UK, but others have come from as far away as Japan.
The dances are taught as recreational folk dances, and as such are reasonably faithful to their original village settings. They will be of interest to folk dance enthusiasts as well as anyone who teaches, or has an interest in, national dance. Three specialist dance teachers will teach dances from the following countries:
Bulgarian dances have developed from the most ancient line and circle dances, to music influenced by both western and eastern traditions. Delyan Demirev is a young dance instructor from northern Bulgaria who has become popular in England following several previous dance tours.
Carla Padovani has been teaching Italian traditional dances for 15 years. She will be presenting dances from all regions of Italy ranging from the ancient “tarantella” through the Renaissance period to the more recent 19th century influences.
Jan Knoppers is the leading young folk dance teacher in the Netherlands and is now responsible for the training of both amateur and professional dancers. Jan has a very wide repertoire of dances from the Pacific Islands, through Asia and Europe, to the Americas. This time he will be presenting a programme of dances from South America.
The course can be either residential or non-residential. The mornings will have lessons taken by the three teachers, while the afternoons can be spent in the historic town of York and its surroundings or at extra workshops arranged by interested participants.